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Re: [androidbrasil-dev] [OT] Oportunidade Freela - Coderpro

Boa Danilo.
O cara oferece. Pega quem quiser.
Att. Daniel N. Capelassi

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Felipe Aron <felipearon@gmail.com> wrote:
> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 14 dias sem especificação alguma...
> Negada pensa que fazer apps é igual cagar? só sentar e reinar? PQP rs
> 2014-01-31 Rudson Lima <rudsonlive@gmail.com>:
>> Será que ele tá só jogando os verdes ai..?
>> 2014-01-31 Thiago M. de França <undeadthiago@gmail.com>:
>>> E o mermo cafetão da outra proposta.
>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 2:12 PM, Rudson Lima <rudsonlive@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Acabei de receber essa
>>>> http://www.coderpro.com.br/project/aplicativo-mobile-48
>>>> 2014-01-22 Marcelo Henrique <marcelohd02@gmail.com>:
>>>>> 850 dilmas ! o.0
>>>>> 2014/1/22 Thiago M. de França <undeadthiago@gmail.com>
>>>>>> p.s.: expandam os comentários e vejam a prostituição!!
>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Felipe Aron <felipearon@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> huaehauehuae tem mesmo!
>>>>>>> App pra iOS & Android em 14 dias pro uso de API por 1k apenas?
>>>>>>> 2014/1/22 Thiago M. de França <undeadthiago@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> "i'll code for food"
>>>>>>>> tem nego levando a sério...
>>>>>>>> Vlw por postar!
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 7:26 AM, Rudson Lima <rudsonlive@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Galera para quem tiver interesse arroxa ai... Coderpro
>>>>>>>>> Vi essa oportunidade em um tópico de um grupo no face...
>>>>>>>>> Bom dia a todos...
>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to
>>>>>>>> lunacy.
>>>>>>>> That's how far the world is from where i am.
>>>>>>>> Just one bad day!
>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> سمووحخ ̷̴̐ خ ̷̴̐ خ ̷̴̐ خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐ خ
>>>>>>> Analista-Programador
>>>>>>> #FollowMe: @felipearon (http://felipearon.net)
>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.
>>>>>> That's how far the world is from where i am.
>>>>>> Just one bad day!
>>>>>> --
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>>>>> --
>>>>> - Marcelo Henrique -
>>>>> "Se não puder se destacar pelo talento, vença pelo esforço." (Dave
>>>>> Weinbaum).
>>>>> "Mate o pecado antes que ele o mate." ( Richard Baxter ).
>>>>> --
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>>>> --
>>>> Rudson Lima ( live-O )
>>>> Desenvolvedor Android - Web Service C# - SQL Server - Delphi
>>>> +55 85 87050560 - Fortaleza-ce
>>>> --
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>>> --
>>> All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.
>>> That's how far the world is from where i am.
>>> Just one bad day!
>>> --
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>> --
>> Rudson Lima ( live-O )
>> Desenvolvedor Android - Web Service C# - SQL Server - Delphi
>> +55 85 87050560 - Fortaleza-ce
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> --
> سمووحخ ̷̴̐ خ ̷̴̐ خ ̷̴̐ خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐ خ
> Analista-Programador
> #FollowMe: @felipearon (http://felipearon.net)
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Android Brasil - Dev" group.
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