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[androidbrasil-dev] VPN Local

Boa tarde galera,

Estou tentando criar uma VPN local para monitorar todo tráfego de Entrada/Saída do meu celular, porém estou me deparando com o seguinte erro.

O Erro é o seguinte

android.system.ErrnoException: recvfrom failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)

try {
//a. Configure the TUN and get the interface.
mInterface = builder.setSession("MyVPNService")
"", 24)
"", 0).establish();
//b. Packets to be sent are queued in this input stream.
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(mInterface.getFileDescriptor());
//b. Packets received need to be written to this output stream.
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(mInterface.getFileDescriptor());
//c. The UDP channel can be used to pass/get ip package to/from server
DatagramChannel tunnel = DatagramChannel.open();
// Connect to the server, localhost is used for demonstration only.
tunnel.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", 8087));
//d. Protect this socket, so package send by it will not be feedback to the vpn service.

// Allocate the buffer for a single packet.
ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.allocate(32767);

//e. Use a loop to pass packets.
// We use a timer to determine the status of the tunnel. It
// works on both sides. A positive value means sending, and
// any other means receiving. We start with receiving.
int timer = 0;
// We keep forwarding packets till something goes wrong.
while (true) {
// Assume that we did not make any progress in this iteration.
boolean idle = true;
// Read the outgoing packet from the input stream.
int length = in.read(packet.array());
if (length > 0) {
// Write the outgoing packet to the tunnel.
// There might be more outgoing packets.
idle = false;
// If we were receiving, switch to sending.
if (timer < 1) {
timer =
// Read the incoming packet from the tunnel.
ERRO length = tunnel.read(packet);
if (length > 0) {
// Ignore control messages, which start with zero.
if (packet.get(0) != 0) {
// Write the incoming packet to the output stream.
out.write(packet.array(), 0, length);
// There might be more incoming packets.
idle = false;
// If we were sending, switch to receiving.
if (timer > 0) {
timer =
// If we are idle or waiting for the network, sleep for a
// fraction of time to avoid busy looping.
if (idle) {
// Increase the timer. This is inaccurate but good enough,
// since everything is operated in non-blocking mode.
timer += (timer > 0) ? 100 : -100;
// We are receiving for a long time but not sending.
if (timer < -15000) {
// Send empty control messages.
packet.put((byte) 0).limit(1);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// Switch to sending.
timer = 1;
// We are sending for a long time but not receiving.
if (timer > 20000) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Timed out");

catch (Exception e) {
// Catch any exception
} finally {
try {
if (mInterface != null) {
mInterface = null;
catch (Exception e) {


OBS.: Estou seguindo o exemplo encontrado no seguinte site http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2014/06/android-vpn-service/



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