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Re: [androidbrasil-dev] Google Developer Certification


Thanks for your interest in Google Developer Certification!

Hi Eduardo,

You have signed up to receive updates for Google's Associate Android Developer Certification.

You're on the list to get the latest updates. We will notify you via email, so be on the lookout!

In the mean time, feel free to polish up your Android knowledge with Google's free flagship course, Developing Android Apps, which will help reinforce the skills you'll need to get certified.

Thank you,
The Google Developer Training Team

2016-07-02 19:16 GMT-03:00 Gorio <goriofab@gmail.com>:

Vou tentar depois de casa..

Em 2 de jul de 2016 14:18, "dms" <dms021@gmail.com> escreveu:

Já viram este programa de certificação do Google?   https://developers.google.com/training/certification/

Alguém já tentou?

[]s Daniel

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